Top-Level Email Marketing Management Services

At MarketingBuzz, we’ll take care of your email marketing for you. We’ll manage your campaigns, and ensure that your email content is top notch, and that it encourages users to visit your site and purchase your products and services. Our email marketing management services include content creation and personalization, and we’ll help you choose the campaign package that fits your business needs and goals best.

"[MarketingBuzz] does everything right, from customer service, to product integrity, and the investment with them is well worth the return; the amount of phone and email traffic we've been receiving from potential customers, especially those who "found us via web search" has sky-rocketed thanks to them, and that's truly invaluable!"

Admissions Director


MarketingBuzz custom email marketing campaigns

Email marketing is one of the best web marketing strategies for your business to increase brand awareness, remind people of your business, and keep shoppers coming back for more.

To get the most out of your email marketing strategy, you have to build a strong campaign that ensures your subscribers get the right information at the right time.

At MarketingBuzz, we offer many different email marketing management services to help your business succeed by placing you in your target audience's inbox.

MarketingBuzz Email Marketing Management Services

With every custom email strategy, you’ll receive services including a campaign and target strategy, and creative theme development. Plus, we offer design edits for each email, coding of emails, website sign-up implementation, and A/B testing. A/B testing is important to help you understand what subject lines yield the highest open rate among recipients and help you to improve your campaign.

We’ll also test your emails on 24 email clients, distribute your emails, and prune your database list. It’s extremely important to test your emails to take notes of things like if a user opens the email based on the subject line, how users interact with your emails, and more.

We also offer a partially managed email marketing service. This is great for businesses that already have their email content squared away, but want a little help in terms of analytics and improving subject lines, buttons, etc.

Explore our versatile email marketing plans below:

Fully-Managed Email Marketing Services: Client-Provided Copy

For this email marketing service, you’ll provide us with the copywriting for each email. We’ll then code the emails with your self-provided content, split test the subject lines, test the emails on 24 clients, and distribute them.

7 reasons email marketing is great for your business

When you partner with MarketingBuzz for email marketing services, you are taking advantage of one of the most powerful and effective digital marketing channels. You may have heard that email marketing is losing steam, or it’s not as effective as some other digital marketing strategies. However, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective and beneficial digital marketing strategies available. It allows you to connect with your audience, remind them of events your company is hosting, share special offers, and more.

1. People check their email - a lot

In fact, 89% of Americans check their email at least once a day. That means if you adopt an email marketing campaign, you’re meeting your audience where they’re already looking — in their inboxes.

It’s common sense to provide your target audience with messages that they’re bound to see, and the inbox is a perfect place.

2. Encourage subscribers to visit your store

You can also use email to get users to visit your storefront to make a purchase.

By telling your subscribers about in-store events and specials, you can encourage them to visit your physical store. Not only will this be a great way to interact with your customers face-to-face, but they’ll get a chance to physically see your products and potentially make a purchase.

3. Encourage subscribers to visit your website

If you don’t have a physical storefront, you can still use emails to get users to visit your website.

When you make it easy for subscribers to navigate from the email to your website, in the form of buttons and links throughout your emails, you’ll see more website traffic from your email campaign as well.

Website traffic is important because the more people that visit your website, the more your brand awareness increases, and the more likely you are to make conversions.

4. You can appeal to your subscribers by personalizing emails

Email is also a great place to show your subscribers that they’re important to you. How do you do that? Personalization.

In fact, 74% of marketers say that target personalization increases customer engagement. This definitely makes sense, since when you personalize emails, you appeal to the subscriber’s personal interests based on previous purchases, pages they’ve visited, and more.

When you personalize an email, you can start by using the subscribers name instead of making it seem like a general, bulk email. When a user sees their name, they know that the email was meant specifically for them.

You can also personalize the subject line, which is known to increase the likelihood that users will open the email by 26%.

You can also personalize the email content to each specific recipient based on what they’ve searched for on your website, items they’ve left in their cart, and prior purchases they’ve made.

You can suggest similar products, remind them about an item they left in their card, or let them know that you still have the item in stock.

5. Email marketing has the highest ROI of any other digital strategy

ROI is extremely important in a business aspect — it stands for return on investment and basically tells you how much profit you make for every dollar you spend in advertising, marketing, materials, or any other expenses.

The ROI of email marketing is an incredible 4400%, which means for every $1 you spend on your email marketing campaign, you’ll essentially make $44 in profit.

With that kind of ROI, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be adopting an email marketing campaign for your business.

6. You get a high click-through rate with emails

One of the goals of any digital marketing strategy is to increase clicks to your website.

Whether it’s with a Facebook post, a button on your website, or a link on Yelp, you want to do everything you can to get people to visit your website.

When compared to tweets, emails are 6 times more likely to get a click.

7. Email marketing drives conversions

If you’re looking for a digital strategy that drives conversions, email marketing is one of the best.

In fact, email marketing drives more conversions than any other channel, including both search engine marketing and social media marketing.

At the end of the day, conversions are what makes your business money, and conversions are one of the metrics that helps you decipher the health and well-being of your business. Without conversions, your business simply won’t stay afloat, and if you want to add an extra boost to your sales numbers, email marketing is a great way to do so.

Why should I hire an agency to take care of my email marketing management?

When you’re deciding whether or not to hire an email marketing management agency, there are a few things to consider.

Is anyone on your team knowledgeable about email marketing?

When you’re looking to keep your email marketing in-house, one of the most important things to consider is whether or not anyone on your team has experience in the field of email marketing.

To have the best possible campaign that is beneficial and effective, it’s crucial that you have an expert working on your campaign — from the automation, to the content, to the personalization, there’s a lot that goes into email marketing. If you put just anyone on the job, you likely won’t get the same results that you would get from an agency.

If you don’t have anyone on your team, and want to hire an in-house freelancer, you could end up spending a lot of unnecessary budget. Not only will you have to pay them salary, but you’ll also have to provide them with all the resources necessary to create the best possible email marketing campaign for your business.

Many small business owners do it all in house — their bookkeeping, payroll, content creation, etc. But if you’re planning to do your email marketing in house, and learn it yourself, it’s important to ask yourself the following:

  1. Do I have extra time in my schedule to learn about email marketing?
  2. Am I interested enough in email marketing to give it my all?
  3. After I learn about email marketing, do I have enough time to manage a campaign?
  4. Do I have time to reach out to potential customers?
  5. Do I have time to stay in touch with current customers?

These are all important and valid questions to consider before taking on email marketing by yourself.

If you find that both of the answers to these questions are “no,” it’s time to start looking for an email marketing management agency that fits your needs.

Why should you hire an agency? There’s a few great reasons.

They know what they’re doing

Agencies specialize in providing email marketing management to their clients, which means they have all the time and the resources necessary to be experts in the field.

Your job is to run your business, an agencies job is to provide you with stellar email marketing services — and that’s just what they do.

Their entire day is spent talking with clients, learning new techniques, and keeping themselves up to date in the industry. There’s a reason they work at an agency, and it’s because they’re really good at what they do.

Not to mention, when you hire an agency that is comprised of experts, you’ll never have to worry about your campaign. They take care of everything for you, while showing you the ropes along the way. MarketingBuzz is home to over 180 marketing experts who know just how to craft the perfect content for your emails, manage your campaign, and consistently report the results. We’re so successful at our craft, that we’ve driven over 1 million leads for our clients.

You can finally go home and eat dinner with your family after a long day of work instead of staying late to work on your email marketing campaign.

Consider this before deciding to do email marketing on your own

They do everything for you

When you hire an email marketing management agency, they offer everything necessary to create the perfect email campaign. That means they typically offer the content, the email design, the automated delivery, and more.

At MarketingBuzz, we offer monthly email content creation, a campaign strategy, email coding, split testing of subject lines, and so much more.

We’ll even distribute your emails, implement your landing pages, and provide monthly or quarterly lead generation reports, depending on your preference.

They offer different email options

Did you know there are many different kinds of email campaigns? Each one is good for a different situation and a different target audience, and most email marketing agencies will offer numerous options.

For example, segmenting your email campaigns means that you send a different email to different segments of your email list. This could mean a batch of emails that goes to subscribers that have shopped with you before and a batch that goes to subscribers that haven’t. Batches could go to recipients in different time zones, or recipients that take interest in different departments of your store.

Drip email campaigns are a way to nurture leads until they eventually convert. Each email is sent at the appropriate time in the marketing cycle and their content is built to encourage subscribers to convert at each stage of the marketing funnel.

They’ll tell you how your campaign is progressing

Most email marketing management agencies also provide analytics for your emails.

This is extremely important when you want to consistently improve your email’s content, design, or approach.

Analytics allows your email marketer to give you information such as the open rate of an email, if a user clicked a link in the email, and other valuable information that helps you to decide how to shift your strategy if it’s not working to the best of its ability.

Why is MarketingBuzz one of the best email marketing management agencies?

With so many email marketing management service providers out there, what makes MarketingBuzz stand out?

Let’s talk about a few things that make us unique.

We offer transparent pricing

We believe that in order to know if we’re the right fit for you, budget is a huge part of the equation. If you don’t know exactly what you’re getting for the price, how can you know if we’re the right email marketing agency for you?

We want to be up-front with our current and potential clients about our pricing so you know exactly what you’re getting, how much you’re paying, and plan your budget accordingly.

We provide email testing

We want you to have the highest interaction, the highest open rate, and the highest chance for conversions with our emails.

That’s why we test your emails before they’re sent to your subscriber list. We want to ensure that we’ve constructed your email in the correct way, and in a way that recipients will understand.

We provide the copywriting

If you thought that you’d have to provide the content for your emails, you can relax! MarketingBuzz will write up all of the custom copywriting for your emails.

That way, you don’t have to worry about anything but watching the conversions roll in.

We’ll create and implement your landing pages

Landing pages are where your subscribers are taken when they press a button in your email. A landing page could feature a specific product that you sell, or it could provide further information on one of your services.

The purpose of a landing page is to get the user to convert there, so attention to detail and providing all the right information is key.

At MarketingBuzz, we’ll design and implement your landing pages for you, so that all the work is done.

We’ll split test your subject lines

Like we mentioned, it’s our job to ensure that your emails are performing to the best of their ability. That means running tests on different aspects of your emails to make sure they’re top-notch.

Open rate is extremely important, and the subject line can dictate whether or not someone opens your email.

We’ll be sure to split test your subject line so we know what one is the most effective and gets the most opens as possible.

We’ll manage your campaign

If you’re worried about managing your email marketing campaign, with MarketingBuzz, you don’t have to. We offer free online campaign project management with every package so you can focus on doing what you do best — running your business.

However, if you’re only interested in a partially managed campaign, we offer that too!

For the partially managed campaigns, you’ll provide the copywriting.

Do you need an email marketing management service provider?

If all this information about email marketing has you ready to implement a campaign for your own business, you’re making a fantastic decision.

Email marketing is one of the best ways to increase clicks to your website, increase brand awareness, and overall, stay top-of-mind for current and potential customers.

MarketingBuzz is one of the best in the business. We’ve driven over $700 million in sales for our clients, and over 3 million leads for them as well. We make our clients part of our family and their goals are our goals. We’ll work to create the perfect, custom email marketing management campaign for your business, and we’ll ensure that it functions perfectly to drive the results that you’re looking for.

We’ll always be transparent with our pricing so that you’ll always know just what you’re paying for, and just what you get for your money.

You’ll receive a dedicated account representative so that you always have a go-to for your questions and concerns. They’ll help you to understand your email marketing campaign, how it works, results your campaign is yielding, and how to improve your email campaign in the future.

If you want to see how other clients feel about your work, check out our over 400 client testimonials, along with our numerous awards that we’ve won over the years.

We’re a full-service digital marketing agency located in Harrisburg, PA, but if you live on the east coast, or in the south, we have options for you.

No matter where you are, we can’t wait to form a great business partnership with you, and drive results for your business with email marketing.

If you’re interested in pairing our email marketing services with another strategy or two to strengthen the marketing power of your business, consider any one of our additionally offered services including:

  • SEO (search engine optimization)
  • PPC (pay-per-click advertising)
  • Social media marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Reputation management
  • Web design
  • Web development
  • Custom infographic creation
  • Video production

We’ll be happy to work out a custom package that specifically fits your company’s unique needs.

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